So on Friday, March 13th I was dismissed from school with many rumors going around about how they might close the school, but I wasn’t tripping. I thought it was just a rumor and it will blow over just like it always does. But to my surprise I get home and on the tv is the governor announcing that all Illinois schools will close till April. At first I was excited to have a break and my intentions were to hangout with friends and have fun. But I realize that this is for our safety and the virus is almost next door because of the many cases diagnosed in my area. I still go outside, just to walk my dog then I go back inside. It’s tiresome being inside all day. I also thought about the possibility of having to go to school in the summer, it doesn’t sound so bad but I feel like it’s wrong to do that because like, it’s summertime. But anyways, last time I checked the cases of COVID-19 in my area was 93 but I think it may have gone up. That’s all I gotta say on that.
If I was president I would use a portion of taxes to give to the homeless, 3rd world countries and struggling collage students. I would keep DACA, and make school lunches better because I'm pretty sure kids don't want food that bounces and to have their cheese to taste like plastic. I would raise the salary for teachers, social workers and whoever dresses up as santa at the mall. Kids won't have to wear uniforms only ID's and in troubled neighborhoods police officers would be almost everywhere where they are children to prevent illegal activities. More field trips in school by/ kids don't want to sit in a classroom all day even if we are playing games or have free time.
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