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Showing posts from December, 2017


Forgiveness- to forgive someone for what they did I know I’ve done wrong, I know you hate me I’m writing this for you to know that I’m sorry I was mad, annoyed and jealous. You had forgotten me and left me in the dirt Goodbye good friend I will miss you


Honesty is the best policy. Honesty is great to have, in my past I wasn’t very honest. I would lie to get myself out of trouble and I would lie for my brothers and my friends but I stopped telling lies because I knew how much more trouble it would cause me. I told the truth but it was hard. There was a 50/50 chance that I would be in trouble but most of the time when I didn’t lie I would just get scolded and not a grounding.

Slice of life

What’s happening in my life right now is we have my cousin from Mexico in town for Christmas and my mom gave me 110 dollars to spend on anything I want! So I spent it on a few things for me and the rest I bought stuff for my family for Christmas! I also got a tv in my room recently and it’s the best!!! I’m watching a show called Good Morning Call and it’s my favorite I watch it every night!

Super hero

Well actually my super hero is a super villain. She has blood read eyes and long blond hair she’s very skinny and has long legs and long fingernails. She wears a ripped and tattered pink dress she’s from the out skirts of New Mexico on an island called isla de los mùnecas, which translates to the island of the dolls. She spent her whole life collecting dolls and hanging them that she forgot her family and had no one to hold her so she died of nemonia and haunts the islan to this day


I really didn’t like map this year. I went down on two tests and on the third one I only went up one point. Ughhhhhhh I wish I could take them again.

Airplane ride

We were boarding the plane, it’s my first time in an air plane. “It’s a lot smaller than in the movies” I said to myself, we got to our seats “34 B” I was sitting in the island seat settling my stuff and readying for take off! As the plane was taking off  butterflies were bursting inside my stomach I muffled my giggles because people were trying to sleep. Eventually I settled down and ordered a coke after I was done with my drink I went fast asleep and poof I was in sunny California! But it wasn’t sunny because it was nighttime...😅